As we all know, most of the packages provided by the official repository of CentOS 7 are outdated. In most cases, we must rely on third-party repositories to install newer software. I introduce you to my favorite IUS repository that provides latest upstream versions of most of the packages. IUS offers safe replacement and the […]
Category: 學習筆記
First of all, you need to install gpg into your operating system. Generate a new GPG key using the following command. Provide your name and email address, and enter O to confirm your information. It will then ask you to enter a password that protect your GPG key. The following screen shows that your first […]
折騰小米電視e32a 更換桌面並刪除小米全家桶
説實話小米電視e32a到我家之後 雖然因爲放在樓下使用次數極多但也因爲沒有了谷歌的加持 很多功能都用不了 以至於明顯被嫌棄了而且最近小米電視突然有了開機15秒的廣告 讓我非常反感於是就想著折騰一下 看看root一下 刷個谷歌全家桶 然後再換個桌面
This following will show how to upgrade gitlab container to newer version along with issue you might meet and how we deal with it. First, you need to ensure that your gitlab container is using docker volumes to store the git repository, configuration and so on. You can use either use docker inspect to check […]
Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guest virtual machines with the Minimal installation option does not install the acpid package. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 no longer requires this package, as it has been taken over by systemd. However, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 guest virtual machines running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 […]
Proxy Firefox through a SSH tunnel
The following line will start the ssh client and connect to user@server_ip. Port 8080 on localhost ( will listen for requests and send them to the remote machine. The remote machine will then send the packets out as if they originated from itself. ssh -C2qTnN -D 8080 user@server_ip The terminal will not showing anything, because […]
Xenserver Auto Patcher 正式開源
Xenserver Auto Patcher 是一套我用於傲遊主機的XenServer自動打補丁工具。 XenServer這套OS沒特別好用,但bug倒是挺多的,免費版也不能自動打補丁, 用著確實蛋疼得不行,所以我就編寫了這個小工具,來自動更新補丁。
Parallels Desktop 10 更新了新版本 10.4.0-29337
自從更新了新版本的OS X EI Capitan後,Parallels Desktop 10就出現了USB Device不能正常assign進virtual machine的bug,每每都需要進行重新插拔,才能正常使用,對此我非常困擾。 後來在今年1月5日的時候,我終於受不了主動聯繫了Parallels的客服,後來客服陪我檢查完畢後,告訴我因為Parallels Desktop 10是專門為了OS X Mavericks設計的,所以更新後可能無法完美地支持所有功能,他們會想辦法去修復這個問題,但唯一最好的解決方法就是更新到最新版Parallels Desktop 11,對此我非常不滿,並在面子書上發文吐槽了一下。 原本我以為問題修復無望了,結果今天才發現他們在幾天前release了新版本,我測試後發現,我遇上的問題已經基本修復得差不多了,雖說現在依舊可能有從virtual machine移除USB Device後,不能自動mount回OS X的問題,但只要關閉virtual machine後,一切皆會恢復正常,不再需要反覆插拔,最大程度上解決了我的困擾,對此我必須感謝Parallels Desktop工程師的努力。 給你們點個贊! The latest version This update for Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac 10.4.0 (29337) addresses overall stability and performance issues, improves support for Boot Camp virtual machines, and includes the following fixes: Resolves an […]
如何將Fedora 24的SRPM重編譯為CentOS 7下可用rpm安裝包
最近朋友在玩開源社群,在協助開發chewing-editor。 所以需要諸多測試環境,所以我也湊了一下熱鬧。 但偶然發現想在CentOS 7下編譯chewing-editor並非簡單的事,不僅不少安裝包的命名方式不同,連libchewing的版本也過低。 主要原因在於即便安裝了各種諸如EPEL的repo,也僅僅支持libchewing-0.3.4,並不支持chewing-editor所要求的0.4以上的版本。 所以我就想試著安裝Fedora 24的rpm安裝包,但發現諸多人並不建議這樣做,畢竟Fedora 24的安裝包不見得能在CentOS 7上兼容。 後來搜索了一些相關資料,又看到了CentOS官方關於rpm安裝包rebuild的相關資料。 文中提及Redhat(CentOS)是Fedora的一個相對穩定的子集,所以絕大多數情況下,CentOS是可以對Fedora的Source RPM進行rebuild的,意思就是Fedora上可以安裝的包,CentOS rebuild之後也可以安裝。